Hacking is bad, but checking out photos of naked celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence, Rihanna and Avril Lavigne is totally normal. So don’t beat yourself up over it.
Exactly one month after the first leaks, lawyers for the female celebrities whose private images were hacked are threatening to sue Google for $100 million after they allegedly failed to remove the images and “made millions from the victimisation of women.”
Top celebrity lawyer Marty Singer, who represents pretty much every woman in the photo leaks, got in touch with Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, as well as Google lawyers, accusing them of “blatantly unethical behaviour” and comparing the way they’ve handled The Fappening to the way the NFL initially handled the Ray Rice situation (not very well at all).
Singer added:
Google knows the images are hacked stolen property, private and confidential photos and videos unlawfully obtained and posted by pervert predators who are violating the victims’ privacy rights… Yet Google has taken little or no action to stop these outrageous violations.
Is $100 million really gonna break Google’s bank? The photos weren’t even that easy to find using Google (we found them in the end, but still). Maybe more effort should be put into finding the mysterious, elusive hacker instead of asking Google for what basically amounts to pocket change for them.
Just get one of the Fappening girls to offer a dry hump to anyone on 4 chan who can provide them with information about the hacker and guarantee you’ll have your man in minutes.